lightweight parka jacket mens:ALTERNATIVE CHRISTMAS ACTIVITIES

It’s that time of year again where Christmas trees are popping up one by one and the shops are blasting festive hits from years gone by. For some, this is a welcomed tradition but for others, it can be rather…annoying. Yes, this season promotes fun, love and cracking out the witty Christmas jumpers, but if that doesn’t sound like what you are dreaming of this Christmas then you’re in luck. We have put together some of our favourite alternative Christmas activities so regardless of how you spend the season, you’ll be able to enjoy it your way.

ski xmas


Yes this may be a relatively obvious choice, especially for us, but Skiing is a great alternative Christmas activity. Whether you are heading abroad or going to your local indoor ski slope, you can still enjoy the season without having to deck the halls with holly, tinsel and fairy lights.

Although you can ski all year round, skiing and snowboarding is often associated with this time of year (it is ski season after all!) meaning you can make the most of the season on your own terms. You don’t even have to be a regular on the slopes to enjoy them. Regardless of whether you are beginner or seasoned pro, the slopes is a welcoming haven for all. Plus, you can even go with friends and family or you can go on your own, if you are wanting to escape all that festive cheer.

hiking xmas


Again, probably a predictable option from us but it’s a good one so we are sticking with it. We know you might not associate hiking with an alternative Christmas activity or winter for that matter but there is something about being outdoors, in the crisp wintry air that makes us all warm inside.

Yes, we know that when it’s nippy out there you may want to just stay indoors, drink a hot chocolate and slip on your slippers but why not try something a little different. At this time of year, the scenery and landscapes you see completely transform and you face challenges that aren’t present at any other time of year. However, this does mean you should be extra careful and only go if you are completely confident that you are capable of tackling any issues that come your way.

Hiking allows you to do something which the festive season completely encompasses, spending quality time with your friends and family. Nothing helps you to build a better connection with your loved ones than truly escaping the hustle and bustle so rather than hitting the shops, hit the trails and embrace the Christmas spirit without donning a Santa hat.

walking xmas 1


When the ground is blanketed in snow and there is a chill in the air, get suited, booted and wrapped up so you can enjoy a walk outdoors. The sights at this time of year are truly something special with the streets being adorned with decorations and Christmas trees sitting pride of place at front windows. You can also simply go for a walk around your local town or city or even on a designated path so you have plenty of options depending on ability and preference.

You could even take the dog with you so the whole family is involved or make it a little more interesting and fun by putting on a treasure hunt for the kids with a cup of hot chocolate waiting for everyone at the finish line. Going for a walk is an easy alternative Christmas activity and can be pursued in a variety of ways so can make the most of the festive season in your own style.



Something a little different, even for us, is a Ghost Tour. Now you may be saying to yourself that this seems more like an activity you would do at Halloween but up and down the country Ghost’s Tours are adding a touch of festive magic to their usually spooky tours.

One such tour includes The Real King Close Tour in Edinburgh which is holding a special Christmas themed tour that will allow visitors to travel back to a time to have a very different Christmas experience. Down in London, you can experience the Richard Jones Haunted Christmas Walk 2015 which will see you explore the old streets of London that will help you to embrace the festive spirit or one’s of the spookier variety…

dog walking post


Last but by no means least, a fantastic way to spend your Christmas is to volunteer. There are so many opportunities available at this time of year and you get to really make a difference whether you decide to volunteer at a shelter or charity. This season is all about giving and there is nothing more rewarding than giving back to those who are in need. Plus, you get to meet a whole host of people from different walks of life and give something more than just a present.

We hope that our list of alternative Christmas activities has given you some hints, tips and inspiration on how you celebrate this festive season. Whatever you get up to, make sure it’s one to remember but try not to get yourself on the naughty list…we hear that Santa has a list and checks it..twice!!

Do you have any alternative Christmas activities that you get up to at the time of year? Let us know in the comments below!

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